
Over the past fifteen years, research in artificial intelligence, machine learning, theoretical computer science, multi-agent systems, and microeconomics have joined forces to tackle problems involving incentives and computation. Interestingly, while microeconomics provides computer science with the basic models, computer science raises crucial questions related to computation and learning that suggest the study of new models. The result is a synergic integration of all the fields. Interestingly, the final goal is the provision of rigorous, theoretical methods to deal with multiple strategic players.

In the last years, these topics were central in the AI/ML venues, as demonstrated by the large number of papers awarded with the best paper awards in conferences such as IJCAI and NeurIPS and the AI projects awarded with the Marvin Minsky Medal.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together the rich variety of scientists that AIxIA attracts in order to have a multidisciplinary forum within which to discuss and analyze current and novel challenges.

Important Dates

What can be submitted?

All paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated on the basis of the quality of their contribution, originality, soundness, and significance. Industrial applications and position papers presenting novel ideas, issues, challenges, and directions are also welcome. Submissions are invited in, but are not limited to, the following topics:


Submissions can be of three categories:

Five pages plus references are allowed.
Papers should be formatted according to the CEUR-WS's single-column style https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/ , available also on overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/template-for-submissions-to-ceur-workshop-proceedings-ceur-ws-dot-org/hpvjjzhjxzjk
Submissions must be in PDF format and will be handled via the EasyChair Conference system at the following link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=spirit2023 as a single PDF file.
SPIRIT proceedings will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings series. Note that papers shorter than 5 pages will not be indexed by scopus. Furthermore, papers between 5 and 9 pages will be considered as short papers while papers with 10 or more pages will be considered as regular papers.

Keynote Speakers






Program Committee


Co-located with 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2023), Rome, 8 November, 2023